Monday, March 21, 2016

6 Ways to Improve your Fertility.

If you are having problems with conception it might be worth having a look at this list so you are giving you and your body the best opportunity of becoming pregnant. 

  1.  Diet - what we put into our bodies has a huge impact on our health and wellbeing, especially at this time. The foods listed below are well known to help regulate hormone levels and help with implantation. These Foods include: Avocado, Brown Rice, Eggs, Salmon, Broccoli, leafy greens, Almonds, black beans and olive oil are among the best foods.
  2. Know your Reproductive Cycle - Each woman needs to be aware of their cycle and this can vary from a short to long cycle. You should know when you ovulate. This is usually apparent with more discharge and your temperature goes slightly higher. Conception needs to occur just before ovulation as it is too late when you ovulate and afterwards. 
  3. Take regular exercise - This is not just for your physical health but also for your mental health. This for a lot of men and women can be a very stressful time and you need to find a way to release your frustration and find ways of releasing happy hormones into your body such as oxytocin.
  4. Stretch hip and pelvic area. This can be done in a yoga class or just at home each day in a comfortable and warm area. The Psoas Muscle is one of the most important muscles to stretch as it runs through the pelvis and can keep this area tight. One of the stretches could be standing up and bringing the right knee up to the chest and hold for between 20-30 seconds, breathing in and out all the time. Swop over and do the same on the other leg. Another good one is also going on all fours and bring your elbows on the ground and bring the knees apart slightly wider than shoulder width apart and hold pose for a couple of minutes.
  5. Keep warm. Especially around the time of ovulation. Do not let your self get cold and when you are sitting down or going to bed bring a hot water bottle. This is part of the Chinese philosophy to keep the uterus and blood flow warm.
  6. Take time out. Whether this is for a spa day or for some Fertility Reflexology or Acupuncture. 
Go to your doctor or consultant with any concern or doubt you have and remember fertility problems are also very common with people who have already had children. 

I hope this will be of some help to you. If you would like a treatment of Fertility Reflexology with myself at Lodge Road Therapy Room please contact Angela MNRRI IAIM on 086 3019519 or click this link to more information regarding Fertility Reflexology

€40 for 1 hour Reflexology Session. Receipts are given for health insurance.